Home Staging Tips: Six Simple Steps To Prepare For Staging Day
/Photo Courtesy of Carl Langschmidt at Property.ca Brokerage
Let us help you. In order to help you, we need your help!
At the end of the day, we all want a smooth listing experience. We've encountered some not-so-smooth hiccups along the way (like showing up with a truck-full of furniture only to discover the renovations weren't complete, and the contractors were still on-site working). In a best case scenario, the staging goes along anyway, with minor inconveniences. In a worst case scenario, we simply have to turn around, return the items to the warehouse, and re-schedule for another date.
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of working with a design professional:
1) Schedule the Consultation in Advance. 3-4 weeks in advance of your ideal staging date. This gives everyone lots of time to take care of prep tasks.
2) Adjust your mindset. It's not your house any more. We are preparing an asset for sale. We are making an educated gamble on who is most likely to walk in that door, and what they would like to see. We are working to showcase the best features of your home, gloss over any flaws, and create an environment that is more likely to attract a wider pool of interested buyers. We keep an eye on trends, consider the elements and principles of good design, consider demographics, and work with your realtor to ensure we knock it out of the park.
3) Read the Consultation Notes. Our goal is to work with you and your realtor to get you the highest sale price the market can bare. It is a mutual investment from all parties. We are giving you our time and expertise. Please review our recommendations so we are all on the same page, and know what has to be done.
4) Take Care of the Basics. Usually the photographer is scheduled right after the stylists leave. Make sure your closets are tidy and organized, all unneeded items removed from the premises or stored neatly away, and all light fixtures / bulbs in working condition.
5) Communicate. Likely, during the Consultation, we made a bunch of suggestions outlining what should be done in order to get the house market ready. This things may include replacing vanities, changing flooring, painting, or simply putting away your tiny tea-cup collection. Let us know where you're at, and what you've completed, and when you are likely to be done.
6) Let us do our thing. It sounds pretty simple, and it is. Our general rule is, anyone who sticks around on staging day gets put to work. So, take the day off (you've earned it!), go grab lunch, and come on by later in the day to see the transformation.
If you'd like to learn more about home staging, please drop us a line!